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Yes I will bless the Lord forever....


Do enjoy your stay here,but please respect my blog, okay? :D I love God, VERY VERY much, and I know he loves me too. Get to know both God and Me more by reading this blog. Have Fun! P.S. The tagboard has a little problem. When you tag, just press enter ONCE, EVEN IF nothing comes out. It will later! Photobucket

Friday, June 28, 2013

Hi guys :)

It's been an awful while since I last posted - and I'm just here so that my blog doesn't rot haha.

I'm on Winter Break now - for two weeks, and as of today, 1 week has passed :/
It's remarkable how fast time flies - just a few months more and I'm done with high school, after comes Uni.
I'm not really sure what to make of this, really - it's bizarre.

1 year less to think about my future is coming off a little hard - I mean, how am I supposed to know what I want to do with my life at 17 years old? I want to select a career that will allow me to help others, but more importantly, one that I will enjoy and have a passion to continue for the next few decades in this life God has given me.

I believe God gives each of us talents for a reason - surely there must be some way I can utilise my musicality in my career. I've always felt like my musical ability is never 'good enough'; and to be real honest I've always envied people who do music at a professional level. My childhood dream was to be a film composer - someone who writes music scores for screenplay - but it feels like that's never going to happen because I'm not theoretically or technically good enough. So music as a career - I'm not too sure about this route.

Last year after we moved I chose Film and Television as a subject and startlingly did really well, I got As and  really enjoyed the assignments we were given - critiquing a film in an essay, storyboarding, designing pre and post-production, and directing a music video. Since then I have always wondered what it would be like to work in the film industry, but oh I know how hard it is to carve a career in that field - journalism included.

Health is another area I have expressed an interest in, and to do that - I talked myself into dropping Film for Senior Level Biology; one of my most challenging subjects. >< I have been thinking about becoming a Speech Pathologist, but then again - am I sure of this decision?

I don't know, honestly I don't. This year has been so far a whirlwind; especially the term I just ended. And in a week I'm going to have to go back to it again - I need an excellent OP score, and I need to push push push myself to get to where I want to be - wherever that is. :/

writtern @10:16 AM

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

dear god, what just happened?
aren't the two of us supposed to be best friends?
how could a happy, peaceful morning catapult into this?
was it me? was fault mine?
i am emotionally drained, God.
Please take control over this conflict.

writtern @10:02 PM

Thursday, August 23, 2012

40 Hour Famine passed :))
I'll still be collecting donations though, so do donate on my micro-site if you can! I'd appreciate it so so so much!!

I've been sick lately - had a really bad cold, sore throat and I eventually lost my voice :O It was so bad I couldn't even go to choir rehearsal cause I could barely hold a note. :/
But I'm getting better, PTL. I don't think I can afford to miss school any more heheh lols.
Spring is coming - it's getting warmer everyday and the sun's staying up longer! :))

So looking forward to warmer weather - it truly was bizarre for us, coming from a totally tropical country. :)
I'm also getting busier as the assessments start to pop up like daisy flowers - except less beautiful, of course.
The biology report monitoring date is looming ahead in the very near future and I'm so flustered :(
Not forgetting English, Math, Economics and Legal exams/assignments!

Thinking and stressing isn't exactly going to solve my problems though - i've got to get down to doing it, get them crackin' and trust in the Lord to do the rest. ;) I realise I've got a problem with time management ohno gotta get my act together if I want to do well this term!!

Just a short update, I realise I'm just blabbering but my thoughts right now are pretty much shallow and  academic-related :) I'll blog more soon - about Kids Group and everything - once I've gotten back into the swing of things; missing a few days of school certainly takes its toil!

Until then, God bless!

writtern @7:40 AM

I'm Fighting Global Hunger!
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Hi to my faithful blog followers! Here's a message on a cause that I'll be championing - 

Hi friends! I'm going to be part of 40 Hour Famine, a fundraising campaign held by World Vision Australia to raise awareness on and fight global hunger in impoverished nations. I am giving up all Social Networking Sites for 40 Hours and my goal is to raise 100 dollars by the end of the campaign. 

You can be a part of it too - simply click on the link below to find out more, and donate online to support my cause. You can donate in person too, if you see me around in school or at church. :)

All proceeds will go direct to World Vision Australia and help them to reach hungry families across the world.

Please support my challenge. Lots of love, Claire. :)

Visit my Famine Page at: http://www.worldvision.com.au/40HF/ProfilePage.aspx?preferredurl=claireschallenge to find out more!

God Bless and have a great week ahead!

writtern @4:33 AM

Monday, July 23, 2012

Needa pull through my second English Oral. :((
Help me.

writtern @3:25 AM

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm home sick again... not homesick, but stay-at-home-because-I'm-sick, haha. This will be the fourth time I've got the chills since Winter started. :(( Oh dear. Hopefully I can recover soon, I really don't like feeling listless and awful! Apparently my body's taking longer that I thought to get used to the cold!

 I've got another English Oral assignment coming up. It's about Australian Identity in relation to Australian movies - haha I'm in a bit of deep water on this one! Oh God please help everything go well and that Christina and I will work well together! :/

 I've been thinking loads about University and my life lately. I'm STILL STUCK on what course I want to do, what I want to be when I finish school. My options are so so so limited, because I don't take science. Was discussing with my parents about maybe swopping one subject to Biology so that I have more career pathways when I get out of school. But I just don't know. :( I'm doing really well in school right now with my current subjects (I got a Principal's Award for Semester 1 Exams PTL!), and changing subjects might just mean that I fall behind. Yet,if I don't, I might not be able to do something I would like to do in Uni (there are prerequisites from High School subjects), for example Health Science. DILEMMA!

 Yep so I've been really thinking a lot recently. Maybe that's why I got a headache in the first place! (jokes). Kids Group too, has been taking up a lot of my 'mind-space', I've been racing to find ways to improve the sessions and make it less 'totalitarian' in nature.

 Thoughts swirling round and round in my mind. God, I'm giving you ALL authority in my thought life. Trash those that you know I don't have to think about, and intensify those that you think are important. I live to serve you and I believe that you have an excellent, exciting plan for my life, waiting for me to discover when the time is right. Love you God.

writtern @11:16 PM

Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm not really sure what's happening with blogger... urgh the words are all clumped together and it makes the posts eyesores to read! :(

 Anyway I'm done with my Semester Exams! :) :) :) My last paper was this afternoon - I'm now scrambling to finish preparing a lesson on 'Peace' for Kids Group tonight. I'm SO excited - I always am whenever we have Kids Group! Just like how I was always excited whenever there was youth back home! Miss my pals so much <3 Heard that the teams's gone to Perawang! God Bless them - I'm sure they'll come back raging with the fire of God in their hearts! :) 

 I've been thinking lately. About life and how blessed I am. I realise that many of us never really do realise how blessed we truly are. Forget comparing to the poor children in impoverished nations, compare instead to the other children in our first world nations. Some kids may live amongst urbanism, yet their lives are far from luxury. Domestic violence, the loss of one parent or both, those are the monsters in today's modern world. Yet why is it that I, who has a wholesome, complete family can sometimes feel that I don't have enough? 

I'm so guilty of this, I really am. Not enough love, not enough affection, not enough friends, not enough ambition, not enough grades, not enough things, not enough looks... it is really disappointing sometimes when I search my heart and find all that discontentment right bang smack there. Ironically, this is where I find that 'the people who have more, are discontent with more'. Maybe it's because we have too much? Or we as kids know that our parents have the capability to purchase more and more and more for us? I was thinking, would I be just as discontented if I were to be born in a more unfortunate condition where my only desires were to cure my ravaging hunger and my scouring thirst? 

 Something to think about right there. Well, it's about time I head back to my Kids Group Prep! :)


Edited! Thank you Charlotte! :) <3

writtern @3:16 AM